Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Grandma and Grandpa meet Oliver

Ollie's Grandparents (my parents) came to the UK to visit their firstborn grandchild in mid Jan. They were pretty excited to see him even after 24 hours on a plane! It was a pretty quick visit though as they had to get back to Australia after a couple of weeks for work and other things.

Mum extended her stay by a few days and she was rewarded on the 2nd of Feb with 8 inches of snow when we woke up! It was pretty amazing, the most snow in 18 years they reckon. I woke up for work and the first thing I heard was 'district line closed due to snow'. Thats one of the trains I catch to work so I was pretty excited and called it a snow day!

The day was pretty bizzare, it seems that half of London didnt bother going to work and headed out to have snowball fights and make snowmen!

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