Monday, 25 August 2008

Updated some posts below...

A few days around Scotland with Marisa and Ben:

A quiet few weeks but about to go off again!

Since we went to the polo we haven't been up to much out of the ordinary. Work, pre-season rugby training and just going out with friends in London.

But this week, we are heading somewhere new again - Cyprus! I have map of Europe at my desk at work with the countries coloured in where we have been. So using that I try to figure out new trips to do. We have been to pretty well every country in Western Europe so now to look for new places we have to start heading to Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, Iceland, Russia and North Africa.

I have an idea for a road trip for next year (who knows if it will happen) but it basically involves a trip across Scandinavia, down the Baltic states, through eastern Europe in to the top of the Balkans (old Yugoslavia) - touch the water - and then drive home. Lets see if I can make that happen for about this time next year. not much point going in winter as we might turn in to icicles!

So anyhow, this Friday we are going to Cyprus for 5 days and then jetting over to Malta for 5 days. We are meeting up with our friends again who we went with last year Bryce and Emma. They have a website set up now and I feature on the front page! (I'm the one on the right jumping out of the water). If you want to check it out see:

Next post hopefully we'll have some tales to tell of Cyprus and Malta!