Thursday, 26 July 2007

Sorry for the lack of posts...

As I have finally logged in to the blog again I realise its been over a month since my last post. I have some good excuses though. Since my last entry I have been to Ghandi's birthplace, got fairly sick for a week, got stuck in monsoon floods for 7 hours on a road (standing calf deep in water at one stage), had 2 flights cancelled due to the 'mini cyclone' associated with the floods, travelled back to Australia, got a new visa for the UK, spent 12 hours in Kuala Lumpur, back to India and the most painful of all - just been in a 4 day meeting.

Anyhow, I will now try and update the blog. I only have a few days left in India and then its back to the UK for a week. Then Melinda and I are off to Malta for a week and then the Greek Islands for 9 days.

Its a tough life.

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